We are excited to welcome Aimr Pono Van Gieson (Ph.D. student) and Stefan Cranston (M.S. student) who are starting in the Zoology Graduate Program at UHM! E Komo Mai!
Author Archives: Becky Chong
Spring 2023 lab news updates!
As we settle into summer, we’re excited to share some lab news from spring semester!
The lab was awarded an NSF REPS supplement to support Stefan’s post-bacc research on planthopper symbionts.
Congrats to Jordan on publishing her first dissertation chapter on “Genomic comparisons reveal selection pressure and functional variation between endosymbionts of cave-adapted and epigean Hawaiian planthoppers” in Genome Biology Evolution.
Congrats to our undergraduate researchers, Cielo and Joe, on being awarded funding from the UHM Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program to expand on their independent research projects in the fall.
Cielo will also be participating in a NSF REU program on “Advanced Technologies for the Preservation of Biological Systems (ATP-Bio)” at Massachusetts General Hospital this summer to gain additional research experiences!
Congrats to Amir on being awarded an NSF GRFP fellowship to support his graduate studies!
With so much data in hand, Jordan is also attending the EMBO practical course on Computational Molecular Evolution in Greece this summer!

Lastly, we finished the semester with an exciting caving trip on Big Island with students and collaborators, which was supported by a UHM SEED IDEAS award to promote Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access and Success. (Photo Credit: M. Steck)
Congrats to Jordan on another round of funding!
Congratulations to graduate student Jordan Gossett, who was a recipient of the Zoology Graduate Program’s Jessie D. Kay Memorial Research Grant!
SEA-PHAGES undergrads co-author genome announcement
Congratulations to the Spring 2022 SEA-PHAGES cohort of undergraduate student for their hard work on their bacteriophage genome announcement in Microbial Resource Announcements. Access the article here: https://doi.org/10.1128/mra.00940-22
Chong RA, Cosse CM*, Gaytan V*, Green DS*, Kane CJ*, Kasal KA*, Kon ZK*, Maxwell RE*, Olaru V*, Pham TD*, Precourt MF*, Romero JR*, Rothschild WJ*, Sales SN*, Sensano TD*, Simko WE*, Smith IJ*, Toor MA*, Wilson AR*, and Porter ML. (2022) Genome Sequence of Arthrobacter Phage NathanVaag. Microbial Resources Announcements
Welcome HawaiiBIO Undergraduate Research Interns
As a part of our NSF grant, we are kicking off the first year of the HawaiiBIO internship and are excited to welcome Cielo and Joseph to the lab! More cool cave science to come!
Newest member of the Chong Lab
Congrats on graduating and welcome Stefan Cranston to the lab as a post-bacc researcher!
Article featuring lava tube biodiversity in Geographical
Read more about “The weird creatures inhabiting the lava tubes of Hawaii” in the latest issue of Geographical Magazine.
Evolution 2022
The Chong Lab was represented by Jordan and Becky at Evolution 2022 in Cleveland, OH. Exciting to share our work on plant hoppers and Hawaiian lava tube biodiversity and already looking forward to Evolution 2023!
Becky Chong and Megan Porter featured on Hawaii Public Radio
Check out the March 29, 2022 edition of The Conversation on HPR to hear Becky Chong and Megan Porter discuss their work on Hawaiian lava tube biodiversity. Listen here.
Related post (3/20/22): NSF award to study lava tube biodiversity on Hawaiʻi Island
Congrats to PhD Candidate Jordan
Congrats to PhD Candidate Jordan Gossett for passing her Qualifying Exam! Let the science continue!